Friday, April 16, 2010

summer plans

It's hard to believe summer is only 3 weeks away! This semester has absolutely flown by and now I'm busy planning my summer as a fashion intern! I will be working at Standard Style boutique on the plaza in Kansas City doing a variety of things. Whether its working behind the scenes on a photo shoot for their fashion magazine or merchandising clothes in the store, I will definitely be very busy! I'm pretty excited to gain exposure to all different aspects of the fashion industry, since I'm still not exactly sure what I want to do career-wise.

I'll be living with my family in Lawrence and can't wait to spend my weekends at the pool and lounging around. I'm pretty much checked out for the rest of the school year if you can't already tell...But Diadeloso is next Thursday and Colbie Caillet will be performing! Can't waaait! Except the weather is supposed to be rainy...might make things a little interesting, and hopefully fun!

Anywaaaays, I'll try to update this more often when I start doing more with my internship. I'm just not living a very exciting life at the moment, at least nothing to blog about very often. So I'll leave you with a few summery images that are capturing my mood at the moment :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

pretty things

it's been pouring rain for the past 2 days in waco. my yard is a lake and my hair is a mess.
so here's some pretty things i found to distract me from the gloomy outdoors. enjoy!
if i could be doing anything right now, i would be laying in that field.
preferably with some sweet tea and good book

i wish raindrops really looked like that.


pure sparkle

yes this is in french...but its cute and happy nonetheless :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

irony much?

sooo...went to church this morning and laughed out loud when i saw the title of the new sermon series..."What is Love?" if you scroll down a little, you'll see that as the lame-attempt-at-humor title of my last post that i put up less than 24 hours ago. God is funny. what's even better is that He clearly showed me my whole perspective on love was wrong.
i was worried about finding love, while my real goal should be to BE love. today's sermon made me realize that love is not a feeling to wait for. it's an action. a choice. a command from Love Himself. clearly my mindset was a bit skewed, so here's to letting go of my wish for the feeling of love and humbly embracing the undeserved agape of the Holy One.

eph. 3:17-19
"May your roots go deep into the soil of God's marvelous love, and may you be able to feel and long, wide, deep, and high His love really is, and to know that this love surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

what is love? baby don't hurt me...ha

here we go again.

i don't know what it is but weddings seem to be in the air...everywhere. i have 4 weddings to attend this summer, all within one month. kinda makes me ponder what the heck i'm doing with my life, since i've never had a relationship serious enough to enter that next stage in life that so many around me are moving in to. doesn't help that i saw the movie "when in rome" last night either. it may have been a super cheesy attempt at romantic comedy but i still left feeling a little wishful for that someone to sweep me off my feet. to make things worse, i somehow stumbled up which is a site dedicated to the beauty of unique indie weddings. i spent a good hour looking through pictures of happy, in love couples...gag.

maybe its the fact that i'm sitting alone in my house on a saturday night. and i'm perfectly okay with it. i feel like that should bother me. i feel like i should want to get out there and live it up but all i really want is someone to do the pursuing for me. to step up to the plate so i don't have to swing and miss, since my hand eye coordination is less than stellar. still, with all the weddingcraziness that is around me, i can't help but want that
phase of my life to hurry up a little...but i'm trying to be patient enough to wait in the ultimate Love.

rom. 8:38-39
"For i am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."